Hotel Veduta, Cinuos-chel

There are more than two reasons to come to us

The renowned gastro guide Graubünden geht aus named two good reasons to stay with us: our homemade Capuns and the wild game dishes from our own hunt. Absolutely right, but don’t forget our facility in the middle of a wonderful mountain landscape, the diverse possibilities for activities of all kinds in all seasons, and our very personal service.


Host Gudi Campell with his family

Officially, my name is Gudench, but I like to be called Gudi by my guests. I grew up in Cinuos-chel and, as the third generation of hosts, I run Veduta, our cozy little hotel and restaurant, with my wife Sabrina. In addition to everyday life as a host, I enjoy my time as a hunter and ski instructor. My wife, Sabrina, cares for the well-being of our guests here in the house.

Come to us! I would be happy to tell you more about life in the mountains!

The profile in Tages Anzeiger:


Übernachten in der Region Cinuos-chel, S-chanf, Zuoz, Zernez

Our team is looking forward to seeing you!

Gudi Campell


Sabrina Campell


Sandra Brunschwiler

Reception and administration

Luis Miranda

Head Chef

Isabel La Rocha

Service & Kitchen

Milena Baumann

Chef de Service




Housekeeping & Kitchen


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